Kamis, 16 Februari 2012

Knicks still looking for more Linsanity puns

It looks like the New York Knicks are still looking for more clever Jeremy Lin puns to help milk the cash cow that has become known as Linsanity.

An ad running this week on Craigslist purports that the team still needs more Lin word-plays to put on tee-shirts, hats, sweatshirts and even bLINg— including keychains.

The headline at the top of the ad plainly says: "The New York Knicks need more Jeremy Lin puns."

The ad in part reads: "New York Knicks are seeking copywriter to provide as many Jeremy Lin-related puns as possible... Puns will be used on billboards and in-game Jumbotron."

Just keep those lame jokes rolLIN' in folks.

The Chinese-American point guard has led the Knicks to seven straight victories and has the city at a fever pitch.  Stores can't keep anything with the name Lin on it in stock.

According to the ad, a few of the Lin-associated words and phrases which already made the Madison Square Garden cut are Pure AdrenaLIN, I'm allLIN and Just ChilLIN.

I thought we reached the end of the line when David Letterman used LINtercourse in his Top Ten list the other night.

Now, even CLINt Eastwood and Bellybutton LINt have made it into the Lin vernacular.

It seems like every nickname and pun surrounding Lin has already been used and there is no end in sight for Linsanity.  Oh wait.  When does Carmelo Anthony come back?

The ad didn't specify if the words couldn't be biLINgual.  How about "Better than a bLINtz?"

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