Selasa, 28 Februari 2012

Is Jolie'ing the new Tebowing?

A couple of days after the Oscars and people aren't talking about "The Artist," Billy Crystal's comeback or how another Billy Beane project didn't win the big one.  No way.  The talk is about Angelina Jolie's leg.

When the star stuck her leg through the slit of her gown, she got more than some hearts going, she set off the the latest stampede of photo bombing and posing in... well... weeks.

The latest craze is called Jolie'ing.

Jolie's sexy red carpet stance has the Internet lighting up with people imitating (mocking?) her pose in everything from gowns to bed sheets.

Jolie'ing is carrying on the relatively new tradition of planking, Tebowing and all that stuff with Linsanity.

Just put your left hand on your hip, right hand slung down at your side and your right leg seductively thrust forward (preferably naked) and you are Jolie'ing.

Digitally altered Jolie leg-bombings of American icons like the Statue of Liberty, George Washington crossing the Delaware and Jeremy Lin are all the rage.

There is even a new website Angelina Jolie'ing where you can submit your own Jolie'ing shots.

The fad might have started when "The Descendants" co-writer Jim Rash got to the Oscar podium for his Academy Award and struck the Jolie pose.  I don't think Jolie was laughing.

Jolie's awkward stance has launched an lot of sites devoted to her right leg.  One Twitter handle — AngiesRightLeg— has almost 15,000 followers.

I don't know if Jolie'ing will catch on in sports like Tebowing— the thought of a Ray Lewis, head atilt, with a hand on his hip is a pretty scary image— for more than one reason.

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