Jumat, 10 Februari 2012

Death-defying moto-cross ride over Skinny Ridge

A video of a man traversing a thin path on top of a mountain on a dirt bike has viewers holding their breaths for 128 seconds during the high-wire act.

The Youtube clip shows the rider— strapped with a wide angle helmet-cam— racing along the top of the slippery, snow covered "Skinny Ridges" trail in Grand Junction, Colorado—  only inches from turning into a mangled mix of man and machine.

Knobby tires reportedly equipped with studs— for added traction— help keep the rider from tumbling to a sure death hundreds of feet in the canyon below.

Cynical haters want to know how come the helmet doesn't move or why the tires aren't dirty?

All I want to know is how he turned around.

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