Belgian tennis star Kim Clijsters made an unusual offer to fans during an exhibition tennis match against country-woman, Yanina Wickmayer, the other day. Clijsters, the former No. 1 female player in the world, went to a microphone and announced to the crowd that the first fan to run down on to the court and kiss her opponent would get a new car.
About half a dozen fans jumped over the stadium rails and turned the 22 year-old Wickmayer into a Belgian waffle sandwich before being forcibly removed from the court.
I don't know how you say Help! in Dutch but— for a moment— the six-foot Wickmayer looked shocked before she probably realized she could probably kick each of her puckered-up suitors' butts with her racket hand tied behind her back.
No word on if the man who planted the first one on the tennis star even got a car, but we do know all of the slobbering men were dragged away from the laughing Wickmayer by security guards to the cheers of the crowd.
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