Minggu, 25 Desember 2011

Atlanta Hawks Mascot Stopped By Cops On Way To Children's Hospital

The yellow-beaked mascot of the Atlanta Hawks was pulled over by police for a traffic violation while on his way to a children's hospital to deliver toys on Christmas Eve.

The Atlanta crowd pleaser, Harry the Hawk, was  riding in a sled pulled by reindeer when he was stopped by cops— with cruiser lights flashing and sirens wailing— for the flagrant foul on an Atlanta street Saturday.

These Grinch-like officers obviously have some issues with the NBA lockout.

On the eve of the jolliest day of the year—the long-awaited opening day of the NBA season—cops let the angry mascot know that riding in a sled filled with toys pulled by reindeer is only allowed by one special guy in a red suit in Atlanta.

Harry, after a little squawking, was finally allowed back on his way and—along with several Hawks players—made it to the hospital to hand out toys to the children.

No traffic tickets were issued but I bet the cop was tempted to say 'And this one's for making us wait two months for Charles Barkley on TNT.'

Maybe not.

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