Sabtu, 31 Desember 2011

Derek Jeter's Ups and Downs in 2011

It's a pretty common for a lot of men to wish they were Derek Jeter— probably a few women too.  Who wouldn't want to be the starting shortstop of the New York Yankees?  Rich, handsome, athletic and the idol of thousands of fans. There wasn't too much not to like about the basically untarnished image of the Yankees Captain until 2011 rolled around.

There was a lot of good, bad and great things for Jeter in 2011.

The past year was probably the most turbulent and public twelve months in both Jeter's personal and baseball life.  The virtuous Jeter started showing a few chinks in his armor.

Coming off the Yankees losing to the Texas Rangers in the 2010 ALCS, Jeter ushered in 2011 after contentious contract negotiations with the Yankees— the only pro team he has ever played for.

The leaking of the private negotiations led to a public feud with GM Brian Cashman and Hal and Hank Steinbrenner and left a bitter taste in Jeter's mouth.  A three-year, $51 million deal was deemed an overpayment by many for the 36-year old player on his last legs.

At a press conference, Jeter bared his fangs but tempered his anger at how the talks were handled by management. 

Not a good way to start the new year even with 51 million reasons to be happy.

Even the good people next door started to sour on Jeets.

There was the completion of his $7.7 million mansion in St. Petersburg, Florida which had his neighbors crying foul.

"St. Jetersburg," as it became known was being called a monstrosity with nearby residents complaining that it would become a bigger attraction than Disney World and there would fans and photographers cruising up and down their palmetto-lined streets.

Even Hal Steinbrenner used the eight bathroom home to backhandedly disparage his player during contract talks by saying some people "are too busy building mansions."

Jeter signed the contract and did what he does best— work hard.  He even headed down to training camp a few weeks early to work with hitting coach Kevin Long.

The extra practice did nothing for Jeter and, by his 37th birthday in June, he was lugging around a sub-par .260 average with 2 home-run offense while he stoically pursued his 3,000 career hit.

Dropped from the lead-off spot down to No. 2 and then near the bottom of the order, fans started to count the days until his benching more than how many games until he got number 3,000.

Pulling Jeter from the lineup came from an unexpected source.  An injury to Jeter's calf put him on the 15-day DL for the first time since 2003— only six hits from the milestone 3,000.

Eduardo Nunez filled in capably for Jeter at the plate but was pretty much a disaster in the field and, still,some fans started to think he was Jeter's heir apparent.

Jeter came back from the sprained calf with a vengeance and— on July 9 against the Tampa Bay Rays— became only the 28th player in major league history to get his 3,000th career hit.

He did it like only Jeter and Hollywood could script it with a dramatic home run before going 5-for-5 on a glorious summer day in front of his family with girlfriend Minka Kelly sitting in a luxury box in Yankee Stadium.

But even after "The Natural" moment there was controversy to follow.

Christian Lopez, the man who caught the valuable ball, was awarded box seats and autographed memorabilia from the Yankees team for the prized possession.  Some people thought Lopez got screwed but he insisted he was more than happy to give the ball back to his favorite player.

Things got better again.

After all the hub-bub about the 3K ball, the batting slump subsided and Jeter was named the "Most Popular Male Athlete" in a Harris poll.

The glory was once again short-lived after the 11-time All-Star infuriated baseball fans when he snubbed the All-Star game to rest his calf in Florida.  Many thought he didn't even deserve to make the team anyway.

The came fall, and things started to turn for the worse.

Rumors that Jeter's longtime squeeze Kelly started circulating that the sexy actress was having an affair with one of her co-stars on the set of the television series "Charlie's Angels."  Losing the ALDS against the Detroit Tigers in five games had to hurt just as bad.

In November, the rumors of a breakup with Kelly became reality then followed by gossip pages filled with stories of Jeter's one-night stands and the love-em-and-leave-em bachelor giving his conquests autographed baseballs and a limo ride home after a night of passion.

 After all, anything Jeter was valuable.

They even auctioned off the foul ball he hit right before his historic 3,000th hit.  The FOUL ball!

Jeter is valuable in charitable ways too.  Last month, a Long Island  judge, who knew Derek's father Charles, asked him a favor to help brighten a traumatized young boy's— he had been stabbed— life by sending him some signed gear.

Jeter obliged and even offered the youngster a box seat for an upcoming Yankees game.  A real Pride of the Yankees moment.

Throughout 2011, we saw many new dimensions to the extremely private Derek Jeter.

The once enigmatic figure was at times vulnerable, angry, broken-hearted, limping, caring and kinky— sometimes in swift succession and— through the ups-and-downs— for all the world to see.

From being called a has-been to achieving the milestone of his career or planning a life together with someone to having the breakup played out in public— it was quite a year for the Yankee.

But, it sounds like Jeter's year is going to end on a high note.

If you didn't already see it splashed across the gossip pages, Jeter was spotted rekindling his romance with Kelly in —where else— Paris.

His one-nighters get a swag bag.  Kelly gets the City of Lights.

No matter what, it's still good to be Derek Jeter.

Young Brain Tumor Survivor Attacked At San Jose Sharks Game

San Jose police are investigating a 16-year old's claim that she was assaulted at a Sharks game at HP Pavilion because she was wearing a Vancouver Canucks jersey.

Maggie Herger— a brain tumor survivor— told authorities she suffered a concussion after a loud, drunken fan hit her on the head during the second period of the Wednesday night NHL game.

As Herger was being taken away by EMT's, a Shark's fan told her to "suck it up," according to the Mercury News.

"I just wanted to cry," she told the newspaper.  "Who does that?"

The young Canadian women has a good reason to cheer for the Canucks.  She told reporters she started rooting for the team after they visited her in the hospital four years ago while she was recovering from brain surgery.

Herger said the same fan who razzed her while being taken to an ambulance also said, "You're faking it, you don't need an ambulance."

An examination revealed that Herger suffered a mild concussion from the hit.

According to the Sharks, the accused fan— a middle-aged woman— told police the contact was accidental and happened while celebrating a Shark's goal.

The young woman told police that her 18-year old sister, Maya, bought the tickets for her as a Christmas present and they tried to avoid clashing with the rowdy fans surrounding them.

Herger claims her assailant went crazy after a goal and smacked her in the back of her head.

Police have not made any arrests and the Sharks issued a statement which read in part:  "Upon being interviewed, others seated in the area of the incident did not report seeing the contact between  the parties involved."

Herger, who was released from the hospital, said she was nauseated, on medication and still had pain in her neck but wouldn't let the incident keep her from cheering for her favorite team.

"I would be terrified and would want to go with my dad or security guards," she said.  "But I would love to go back."

If it's any consolation to Herger, the Canucks—who are tied for first in the Western Conference— beat the Sharks 3-2 in overtime.

Jumat, 30 Desember 2011

"Metta World Peace" to Lakers: "You Can Still Call Me Ron"

He might have legally changed his name to Metta World Peace, but the Los Angeles Lakers forward told his teammates he will still answer to the name of Ron.

The former-Ron Artest said, "I really don't have a preference" about what you call him at a Lakers shootaround.

He even smiled when someone called him "Queensbridge" at a press conference yesterday.

If you aren't from New York City, the Queensbridge projects are the former- St. John's basketball star's old stomping grounds and some of the toughest streets in the city.

World Peace was very busy during the NBA lockout auctioning off his championship ring for 500+K and donating the proceeds to mental health organizations, PETA and children's charities.

At a recent Lakers' game against the Utah Jazz, fans at the Staples Center chanted, "We Want World Peace" while the former-Ron Artest sat on the bench.

That seemed to be music to the New Yorker's ears.

"I think I accomplished a lot already," he said.  "Changing lives."

People in the media are still getting used to the revised name and even his new coach Mike Brown admitted it's not in the Lakers' vocabulary yet.

"I try to call him Metta more than anyone else," the coach said.  "And then you hear Steve Blake say, 'Hey Ron' or Kobe say 'Hey Ron-Ron' and it throws me off.  I'm trying, but no one's helping me."

It's doesn't matter what he is calling himself these days because when the former-Redmen star steps onto the streets of New York, he's still Ron Artest from Queens.

Kamis, 29 Desember 2011

Derek Jeter Surprises Young Stabbing Victim With Gifts

It was a horrifying story when it happened back in October 2010 after an eight-year-old boy was stabbed in the back five times with a hunting knife by a total stranger while playing a video game at a Long Island Dave & Buster's restaurant.

Almost a year later, minutes after Judge Jerald Carter sentenced the 24-year old assailant to 14 years in prison, the jurist asked the boy's mother, Lisa DalFonso, who her son's favorite sports star is.

"Derek Jeter," answered the youngster's mom.

"You tell your son... he will be as big as Derek Jeter" by the time the defendant is released from prison.

That might have been little consolation to DalFonso who said her son was constantly looking over his shoulder and refused to visit public places.

The only thing that the concerned mother did not know is that Judge Carter played college baseball with the Yankee shortstop's father, Charles Jeter, at Fisk University in Tennessee and the two men still kept in contact with each other.

A few weeks later, a package arrived at the boy's home, according to Newsday.  The newspaper is not naming the boy—now 9-years old— at his mother's request and because he was the victim of a crime.  In the package, there was a signed baseball, an autographed photo of Jeter, a Yankee's teddy bear, a magnet, and a copy of "Derek Jeter's All-Star Manual: 10 Life Lesson," DalFonso said.

"He was overwhelmed," said DalFonso.  "He was so excited, he called his dad right away."

DalFonso, who uses her maiden name to protect her son, told Carter at the sentencing that her son was so shaken by the unprovoked attack he refuses to go to birthday parties and looks over his shoulder "a thousand times a day."

Carter did not tell DalFonso of his plan, but the mom did a little leg work and figured it out.

When she went to thank Carter, he wanted to make sure the boy knew everything would now be alright.

The judge brought the youngster into his chambers and showed him how far away from his home the assailant's prison was on a map and then showed him how strong the bars of a jail cell were.

"I wanted to give him some idea that he is safe from this person," said Carter.   "And that it's not going to happen again."

"I think he feels better," said the boy's mother.

The story doesn't end there either.

At the end of the boy's visit with Carter, the judge told him that Jeter, himself, wanted the boy to come to a Yankee game and sit in his personal box seat.

"If that happens," DalFonso said, "it will be the highlight of his first nine years."

It just goes to show how a compassionate judge and a few connections can bring a smile to a traumatized young boy.

Coughlin Is "Optimistic Right Now" That Nicks and Manningham Will Play

The New York Giants passing game may have to Cruz alone this Sunday night if injuries to Hakeem Nicks and Mario Manningham keep two-thirds of their three-headed monster sidelined.

But not if Tom Coughlin's outlook is as rosy as his cheeks.

The head coach said he was "optimistic right now"  that both players could take the field in the do-or-die game against the Dallas Cowboys and join Eli Manning's latest favorite target Victor Cruz on the field.

Nicks—who re-injured his hamstring in the first quarter Saturday against the New York Jets—expects to be ready when the Giants meet the Cowboys for the NFC East title at MetLife Stadium.

The receiver sat out yesterday's practice but is feeling Coughlin's optimism.

"I don't see myself missing this game," said Nicks.

Giants fans shouldn't take that remark to heart— just yet.

"If I'm out there, I'd like to say I'd be myself, but you never know," he said.  "These things are tricky.  I'm gonna go ahead and claim I'll be myself out there.  I always got to think positive."

D'oh!  That's a big IF.

Manning will need all the help he can get in Sunday night's big game if Cruz is the only deep threat in his repertoire.

A wobbly Manningham returned to practice on Wednesday on a limited basis after resting his knee against the Jets.  He had been nagged by the swollen joint for weeks and spent most of his game time on the sidelines.

Nicks could be the key to unleashing Cruz once again if  Manning gets into a shootout with the Cowboys Tony Romo.

Cruz won't catch an opposing team by surprise any more.  After all, he leads the Giants with 76 receptions for a Giants season-high record 1,358 yards.  You can bet the Dallas D will be keying on the speedy wide-out.

As for Nicks (71 rec., 1116 yards, 6 TD's), who had only one catch for 20 yards while being blanketed by the Jets All-World DB Darrelle Revis, it sometimes comes down to a case of the dropsies.  He's dropped a couple of crucial passes over the past two games but said the weather was a factor.

"I can go a stretch where I won't drop a ball for five, six weeks," said Nicks.  "I don't normally have drop after drop after drop after drop.  It's normally... I go a whole season without drops, then I have a period where I might fit some in there, but that's me because I'm starting to lack concentration or something like that."

Concentration is one thing, injuries are another.

Asked about how far along the hamstring was Nicks said, " I notice it, I can't really dig like I want to right now."

He then put it in perspective.

"[I'm] close to 100 percent as I can get.  I don't think nobody's gonna be 100 percent playing football this time of year.  Something's gonna be hurting, but come game time, you know how to put all that stuff behind you."

How important are Nicks and Manningham in this game?

Nicks had eight catches for a season-high 163 yards and Manningham had a 47-yard TD in the Giants 37-34 win against Dallas on Dec. 11 at Cowboys Stadium.

"I ain't the type of guy that looks for no excuses," said Nicks.  "If I am out there, I've got to be ready to go."

Rabu, 28 Desember 2011

Snooki Bringing Pro-Boxing Team To Atlantic City

Team Snooki Boxing will be making its debut this January 28 at—where else—the Jersey shore.

No, the meat-ball-sized reality star, Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi,  won't be lacing up her own gloves but will be backing three Irish brothers ringside at Resorts Casino Hotel in the boardwalk city.

Here comes boxing's newest Don King in high heels and mini skirt.  Hey, she has the same poofed up hairstyle as the legendary promoter.

The star of MTV's highly-rated Jersey Shore announced her latest enterprise earlier this month on the New York sports show The Boomer and Carton Show finalized the date on Tuesday.

Snooki's team features a trio of Irish brothers who are all up-and-coming contenders.  No tomato paste cans in this group.

Patrick "Pajo" Hyland (24-0, 11 KO's) is a legitimate featherweight, Eddie Hyland (16-1, 6 KO's) is a super featherweight and Paul "Pauly" Hyland (26-2, 5 KO's) is a bantamweight.

Snooki's jewelery and hair gel probably weigh more than all three brothers put together.

Hailing from Dublin, the three brothers will headline what is being called "An Irish Invasion."

"We are incredibly excited to introduce The Hyland Brothers and Team Snooki Boxing.  We've seen what these boys can do, and expect nothing less than continued success here in the States," VP of Final round Promotions Mike Pascale said in a press release.

All three brothers will be bringing serious boxing skills to the ring.

Patrick is the Irish featherweight champion, Former- IBF Intercontinental Featherweight Champion, Intercontinental Super Featherweight Champion and WBF World Featherweight champion.

Eddie is the Former-Irish Super featherweight Champion and Paul is the Irish Super-Bantamweight Champion.

While Snooki will be in the trio's corner that night, hair-pulling and clawing jealous female rivals are not part of the undercard.

Everyone fist pump and do a shot.

Olivia Munn Is New York Rangers Good Luck Charm

A New York Ranger dating a model or actress is nothing new in the city, but center Brad Richards might have just landed himself a keeper in Olivia Munn.  At least Rangers fans hope so.

Munn has been linked to Richards since November and since then has been a regular in the stands while the team has gone on a torrid hot streak.  They now find themselves at first place in the NHL's Eastern Conference.

The pretty Maxim model and actress was spotted at Madison Square Garden again during Monday night's 3-0 win against the Islanders.  Following the game, she was seen being high-fived and thanked by Rangers fans in the stands, according to the New York Post.

Richards and Munn have been spotted getting cozy all over Manhattan and reportedly spent Christmas Eve together.

According to the Post, the couple go to trendy hot spots together and were seen "laughing a lot and very affectionate."

The victory against the Islanders was the Rangers (22-8-4) fifth straight and they have improved to 11-3-2 at home this season.  They remain one point ahead of the Boston Bruins.

Richards has 12 goals and 14 assists in 34 games this year.

For now at least Ranger fans can call Munn their lucky charm and be thankful she isn't a Kardashian.

Gretzky Family Gets Their Grunge On For The Holidays

Who said grunge is dead.  Not Wayne Gretzky and his family.

The first family of hockey's annual Christmas card with their Addams Family stares is a classic.  It wouldn't be a stretch to mistake this brooding brood for some Seattle garage band circa 1991.

The Hall-of-Famer's artsy sepia-toned family portrait just screams "Merry F---ing Christmas!" and would make Kurt Cobain proud.

This photo would make an awesome album cover and is definitely more "Rock On" than Norman Rockwell.

All that is missing from this Rolling Stone cover shot are a couple of guitars and some empty Jack Daniels bottles to go with the grunge fashions.

There might be a good reason for the plaid shirts.  Gretzky is Canadian or maybe the photographer grabbed him while he was taking out the garbage.

But the glum faces?

Gretzky's rebellious daughter Paulina's behavior might be the cause of The Great One's strained smile.

The aspiring actress and singer was taken to task by her dad after the 22 year-old posted provocative photos of herself on the Internet and she tweeted about it over the Thanksgiving weekend.  Gretzky then closed her Twitter account.

While the holidays can sometimes stress out a lot of families, other times, it can make for a great photograph.

Selasa, 27 Desember 2011

High School Forward's Spectacular Dunk Gets Him Ejected From Game

One of the best up-and-coming high school forwards in the nation was ejected from a tournament game after dunking over an opposing defender then staring down his "dunk victim."

Justise Winslow, a sophomore at Houston (Texas) St. John's School was facing San Antonio (Texas) Antonian Prep in the annual St. Thomas Tournament in Houston when the small forward exploded over the tallest San Antonian defender and slammed the ball through the net while flooring the hapless defender.

It was a total mismatch.

Winslow— at 6-foot-5 and 200 pounds— used a slick double-crossover to fool one defender before plowing over the small tree under the basket.

After finishing the slam dunk, Winslow stared down his fallen opponent which earned him a "technical foul" from the referee and then,  to add insult to injury, Winslow saluted the cheering St. John's fans in the stands.

That second act earned Winslow another technical and an ejection from the game.

The top prospect may have to learn to discipline himself.  Winslow still has a few years left in high school but is already garnering attention from colleges.  He was named one of the "5-star recruits in the Class of 2014" according to

Winslow finished the game with 10 points, 12 rebounds and a dunk for the ages before the ejection.

Justin Tuck: "I Hate The Cowboys"

Just what Sunday night's do-or-die game between the Giants and Cowboys needs after a week of trash talking between the Giants and Jets— more recycled verbal garbage.  Aren't the Meadowlands swamps filled with enough rubbish already?

Yesterday, after the Giants huge win over same-stadium rivals the New York Jets, Giants defensive end Justin Tuck did his best impression of Rex Ryan and reiterated his deep hatred of the Dallas Cowboys.

When asked, Tuck told reporters he hated the Cowboys more than any other team— even more than the Jets.

Asked why Tuck plainly said," Just because I want to.  For me personally, I've been quoted many times saying I hate the Cowboys and that's still true."

Tuck has never been shy about expressing his dislike about anything Cowboy—including boots and buckles— so his remarks will be familiar bulletin board fodder leading up to the battle for the NFC East title and a spot in the playoffs at MetLife Stadium.

All it takes is the mention of "America's Team" to get Tuck wound up.

"They're what?" he sarcastically asked.

"I don't like the Cowboys and they don't like me, and that's the way it's supposed to be."

Maybe Tuck is still peeved that before the two teams last met on Dec. 11, Cowboys linebacker DeMarcus Ware claimed Tuck had a secret desire to wear the silver star on his helmet.

All Tuck wants on his head next Monday is an NFC East Champions cap after the two 8-7 teams square off this weekend.

Tuck tempered his harsh words for his rivals with a dash of admiration.

"In the Dallas weeks, we probably trash-talk a little bit more," he said.  "But I think it has a lot to do with respect.  Those Dallas teams, they just seem to do it as close to the right way as we do... with their owner, their past championships and past [great] players."

"It's going to be fun— playoff atmosphere on a Sunday night, cold game with a lot of hard hits," Tuck said.  "You couldn't create a better circumstance going into the playoffs.  I know I'm going to be riled up."

Don't let Tuck's mushy sentiments lend you to believe he is getting soft on the Cowboys or is worried about firing up his opponents either.

"I didn't say a word," he smirked right before promising to add more fuel to the fire when he meets the press on Thursday.

And not one to leave anyone out of the fun, Tuck got the Giants' fans involved.

"I know our fans hate the Cowboys as much as I do," he said.  "So it will be fun.  There you go,  I just said it."

Minggu, 25 Desember 2011

Atlanta Hawks Mascot Stopped By Cops On Way To Children's Hospital

The yellow-beaked mascot of the Atlanta Hawks was pulled over by police for a traffic violation while on his way to a children's hospital to deliver toys on Christmas Eve.

The Atlanta crowd pleaser, Harry the Hawk, was  riding in a sled pulled by reindeer when he was stopped by cops— with cruiser lights flashing and sirens wailing— for the flagrant foul on an Atlanta street Saturday.

These Grinch-like officers obviously have some issues with the NBA lockout.

On the eve of the jolliest day of the year—the long-awaited opening day of the NBA season—cops let the angry mascot know that riding in a sled filled with toys pulled by reindeer is only allowed by one special guy in a red suit in Atlanta.

Harry, after a little squawking, was finally allowed back on his way and—along with several Hawks players—made it to the hospital to hand out toys to the children.

No traffic tickets were issued but I bet the cop was tempted to say 'And this one's for making us wait two months for Charles Barkley on TNT.'

Maybe not.

Sabtu, 24 Desember 2011

Victor Cruz's 99-Yard TD Key To Giants Win Over Jets

Paterson, New Jersey's own Victor Cruz tied an NFL record by scoring on a 99 yard catch and run pass from Eli Manning giving the New York Giants a 10-7 half-time lead over the New York Jets in today's crucial game in the Meadowlands.  Playoff hopes and jobs hung in the balance.

After 28 minutes of uninspired Giants football Cruz's catch invigorated the team with 2:12 left in the first half.  It was a second wind which carried over into the following thirty minutes.

The un-drafted Cruz sucked the air out of a pumped up Jets home crowd inside MetLife Stadium with his spectacular score after the Jets just let the inefficient Giants hang around.

Cruz became the 13th player in NFL history to have a 99-yard catch, subsequently, making Manning the 13th player to throw one.  The speedy wide-out is have a Pro-Bowl season and makes the loss of Steve Smith a long lost memory.

The stunned crowd could only watch in awe as Cruz raced down the field— after slipping free of the Jets Antonio Cromartie at the 12-yard line and hopping over safety Eric Smith— and turned what looked like a simple 11-yard gain into an additional 88-yard sprint.

The Jets secondary wasn't talking smack after that play.

Manning hit his new favorite target earlier in the game to get down to the Jets three-yard line where the G-Men settled for a field goal.

Up until Cruz's catch and sprint, the Giants looked flat and gained 83 net yards on the previous 25 plays.

Meanwhile, the Jets Mark Sanchez-led offense was riddling the Giants defense for 185 yards but could only muster a lone TD in first half.

After the break, the Giants came out looking a little more inspired than the Jets and scored a touchdown with :13 left in the third quarter to make it 17-7.

Ahmad Bradshaw scored the TD on a 14-yard run after Brandon Jacobs went outside for 28 yards and Cruz made an unbelievable 36 yard catch.

Cruz's third catch gave him the Giants most receiving yards in a season and eclipsed Amani Toomer's team record.

Sanchez started the fourth quarter by making a foolish throw to mid-field which was picked off by the Giants Kenny Phillips and returned 31 yards to the Jets 13.

The Giants turned the goof into a field goal for a 20-7 lead.

Then the Giants defensive line turned up the pressure on Sanchez.

After Plaxico Burress nullified a TD catch after pushing off a Giants defender, Sanchez looked like he was  sacked and fumbled at the Giants 40-yard line but, after a Rex Ryan challenge, it was ruled an incomplete pass.

Just when the Jets looked like they were going to make a game of it, on third-and-two,  Sanchez didn't get the snap from his center Nick Mangold and the ball rolled into the end zone where the Giants Jacquian Williams pounced on it for a touchback.

Not to make it to easy on themselves—and with only their running game going anywhere—Manning immediately threw a pass which was tipped by Darrelle Revis into the arms of a Jets linebacker David Harris who ran it back to the Giants 10-yard line.

On first-and-goal from the one, Sanchez scored on a naked bootleg to bring the Jets within six, 20-14, with 7:17 remaining in the game.

Giants fans waited for the inevitable collapse but, like a Christmas miracle,  things actually swung the Giants way.

There was a safety on Sanchez and a late score by Ahmad Bradshaw.  The only piece of coal in the stocking was  D.J. Ware being pushed out-of-bounds and into the hip of his head coach Tom Coughlin.

The win keeps the Giants playoff hopes alive and Coughlin might have saved his job as well—at least until next week.

Destiny is now in the Giants own hands.

On New Year's Day, the Dallas Cowboys come to MetLife Stadium.  A Giants Do-or-Die victory would give them the NFC East title and an playoff spot.

Tom Coughlin Bowled Over By Giants 29-14 Win Over Jets

You could say Tom Coughlin was bowled over by his New York Giants players 29-14 victory over the New York Jets—literally bowled over.

In the waning minutes of a wild fourth quarter, the Giants head coach was taken out by his own running back D.J. Ware after the Giant player was pushed out of bounds into the Giants side of the field at the end of a long run.

The play was reminiscent of the one which took out New Orleans Saints coach Sean Payton at the beginning of the season and had him calling shots in a cast from a stadium booth for a few weeks.

Coughlin looked shaken as his assistant coaches ran over to help him but the tough-as-nails coach knew this game was important and shook off the helping hands.

Both teams were playing to keep their playoff hopes alive along with bragging rights to MetLife Stadium.  Coughlin might have been playing for his job as well.

So there was no way Coughlin was going to let being steamrolled by a 230-pound man keep Old Iron Britches from the sidelines—especially when the Jets were making the game interesting after the Giants seemed to have put the game away.

A lackluster first 28 minutes of play by the Giants (8-7) was whisked away by a 99-yard catch and run touchdown by Victor Cruz to give the Giants a 10-7 halftime lead. 

Cruz tied an NFL record with the 11-yard catch and the ensuing 88-yard sprint and became only the 13th player ever to go 99 yards with a reception.

Eli Manning's new favorite target also broke the Giants single-season record for receiving yards with a 36-yard catch in the third quarter.

The great TD catch inspired the Giants as they headed to the locker room at half-time and it carried over into the second half.

A late safety and touchdown run by Ahmad Bradshaw sealed the victory for the G-men.

There was no word on how serious Coughlin was hurt, but a Dallas Cowboys loss might help ease the pain.

Somewhere though, Tiki Barber must be smiling.

Jumat, 23 Desember 2011

N.J. Governor Chris Christie: Jets Over Giants By Seven

It was only a matter of time before New Jersey's second biggest bloviator would chime in about Saturday's crucial Giants-Jets game and Governor Chris Christie didn't disappoint.  He thinks bettors should take the points and the three-point underdog Giants in the battle of the Meadowlands but count on the Jets to win the game.

"J-E-T-S, Jets, Jets, Jets," the governor said Friday on Sirius XM's Radio's "Mad Dog Radio" program.  "Absolutely.  Rex and the boys will win by seven."

Most politicians would have used political double-speak when answering that question and said something along the lines of 'the home team' or the 'team from Jersey.'

Technically the Giants are the visitors, but the blunt-talking Christie has never been one to mince words and seems cut from the same mold as the Jets loudmouth head coach Rex Ryan.

And a big mold it is.

Christie, who combined with Ryan, could probably wipe out a Las Vegas buffet table in one trip, said nice things about Giants head coach Tom Coughlin but believed the Jets—who train in Florham Park— would win. 

"The Jets are going to step up," said Christie,  "The Jets have been the more consistent team this year.  The Jets are going to win."

All week, the GOP governor was heard supporting presidential candidate Mitt Romney and now old Mitt has jumped to first place in the latest Republican polls.  So maybe Christie can bring the same kind of luck to the Jets playoff hopes.

Meanwhile, Ryan continues to stir things up and has been mouthing off about Giants fans.  He said he occasionally runs into them.

"There is usually a shoving match," he joked.

Ryan is encouraging his own fans to bring the twelfth man on Saturday afternoon and instructed them to wear green and wave white rally towels.

New Air Jordans Spark Riots; N.J. Man Stabbed While Waiting in Line

The release of the much anticipated Nike Air Jordan XI Concord has led to stampedes and violence at many shopping malls including the stabbing of a 20 year-old man lined up outside a New Jersey store.

Micheal Jordan fans and hordes of desperate sneaker buyers lined up outside the malls nationwide where the big demand for the Nike sneakers led to riots after the company released only 100 pairs of the shoes to selected stores nationwide according to Yahoo sports.

The "re-release" of the $180 shoes incited violence in Indianapolis, Seattle, Detroit and Jersey City.  Police had to use force outside Southland Mall in Detroit where a 21-year old man was arrested for inciting a riot.

Witnesses say mall security called police about 5:30 Friday morning after a crowd of about 300 started to force their way through the doors before the mall opened.  About 100 people gained access and slightly damaged the interior of the mall before order was resumed.

In Seattle, police needed pepper spray to disperse rowdy mobs of shoppers.

In New Jersey, a man was stabbed multiple times after he got into an argument with another man while waiting in line to buy the sneakers inside Newport Centre Mall.  When police arrived, they found the man dazed and in a puddle of blood.  His condition is said to be non-life threatening.

The unidentified man told police he argued with a man before being set upon by a group of four to six others.  He thought he was only being punched until he realized they had knives in their clenched hands.

The black and white patent-leather sneakers—last released five years ago—went on sale at midnight and are copies of the shoes Chicago Bulls legend Michael Jordan wore during his 1994-96 comeback years.

While thousands of customers are crazy enough to literally fall all over each other to get the shoes, it is Nike which should take more care to prevent this sort of violence.  But bad publicity is still publicity and that's the bottom line.

People even lose a sense of right and wrong when it comes to grabbing the prized sneakers.

ABC News reported that Indianapolis police had to break the window of a woman's car to get two children out after the woman left them to wait in line.  She was later arrested according to the AP.

Nike has been releasing Air Jordans for over twenty-five years and the company still doesn't take into account what kind of trouble the long lines and mad chaos a limited availability of a product incites—or do they?

So if you are in the market for expensive sneakers with a pepper spray bouquet or accented with blood stains, head to your local shopping mall, step over a few helpless people and pick up a pair.

Jets Using Bloodied Photo Of Eli Manning As Playbook Cover

Eli Manning is the new cover boy of the New York Jets defensive playbook for this week's crucial game against the New York Giants. The photograph of Manning being sacked by the Jets— right before blood started dripping from a three-inch gash in his forehead— is being used to motivate the Jets defense by putting a subtle bull's-eye on the opposing quarterback's head.

The playbooks were handed out to members of the Jets defense on Tuesday by defensive coordinator Mike Pettine, according to the New York Daily News, and some may think the ploy is just a little short of putting an actual bounty on Manning.

Jets head coach Rex Ryan might slightly remember that his dad Buddy was accused by the Dallas Cowboys coach Jimmy Johnson in 1989 of putting a $500 bounty on QB Troy Aikman and a $200 bounty on kicker Luis Zendejas before a Thanksgiving Day game.

Manning, who is having the best season of his eight-year career, probably remembers very well the August 2010 preseason-game against the Jets when the gruesome photo was shot.

On a busted play, the Giants signal-caller was cut on his forehead by Jets defensive back Jim Leonhard's face mask after getting crushed by Jets outside-linebacker Calvin Pace from behind which forced Manning's helmet to come flying off.

As Manning kneeled on the ground with blood gushing down his face, Giants fans couldn't help but recall the image of former-Giants quarterback Y.A. Tittle in the same bloodied position from an iconic b&w photo.

Manning would not return to that preseason game after doctors used 12 stitches to close up the nasty wound.

Pace was the first player to get the new playbook and said he remembers the hit on Manning.

"It was cool to see it again," he said.

Pace also knows Manning is a much different and better player now.

"You have to make him uncomfortable.  It's like his brother Peyton, man," said Pace.  "If you let him sit back there clean, he's the greatest ever, but if you get your hands in his face, I think it puts a little bit more challenge on him."

The Jets may be using red blood before this game between Big Blue and Gang Green to intimidate and motivate,  but Manning is a lot better quarterback now than he was back when he was knocked out of that game.

The photo of a dazed and bloodied Manning might be a motivational tool for the Jets, but the Giants, themselves, could use it as a reason to go after the Jets quarterback Mark Sanchez.

An eye for an eye.

Kamis, 22 Desember 2011

Utah Man Wins $300G Lamborghini; Crashes It Hours Later

A Utah truck-driver who won a $300,000 Lamborghini in a convenience store contest crashed it six hours after he getting behind the wheel.  Now he plans on selling the 640-horsepower sports car because he can't afford the insurance or taxes.

Dave Dopp, a 34 year-old long-haul truck driver, wrecked the  bright green Murcielago Roadster he won in a  "Joe Shmo to Lambo" contest after he spun out of control just hours after getting the keys to the rare vehicle.

The trucker got the happy news about his win at a BYU football game last month.

Easy come, easy go.

Dopp must be more comfortable behind the wheel of a semi because he claims he was only going fifty mph when he lost control of the  automobile with its carbon fiber body while giving friends a joy ride last Saturday.

"We were going up a hill and either hit some black ice or gravel," said Dopp.  "And we started spinning."

No one was injured except the car and Dopp's insurance premium.

Now he plans to get what he can for the car when it gets back from the shop and buy a more family-friendly vehicle.

"I already had offers on it.  I'm going to sell it," said Dopp.  I have bills more important than a Lamborghini.  I've got  a family to support."

Dopp was videotaped jumping up around and hollering in disbelief when officials from the sponsor— Maverick convenience stores— told Dopp he won the car at the Nov. 12 BYU-Idaho game in LaVell Edwards Stadium.

He also won $5,000 in driving lessons at a local motor sports park. 

The battered 2008 convertible is being held by his insurance company at a Utah towing garage.  It will sent to a Las Vegas dealer for repairs next week.

"That's why rich people own them," reasoned Dopp.  "The poor people like me don't."

Well, it's back to being Joe Shmo after a mere six hours.

Rabu, 21 Desember 2011

Could Tim Tebow End Up Hosting "Saturday Night Live?"

Rumors are swirling that the producers of "Saturday Night Live" want Tim Tebow to host the popular television sketch show less than a week after a four-minute skit on the show mocked his strong religious stance and had members of the Christian Right railing against the program.

Imagine, Tim Tebow becoming a possible, would-be savior of the stumbling network.  Talk about turning the other cheek.

If anyone can be a big draw it's the Denver Broncos quarterback.  Last week, the Tebow-led Broncos-New England Patriots game drew 30 million viewers according to USA Today— and it wasn't to see Bill Belichick's scowl.

Now, SNL wants to cash in on Tebow Fever.

The producers want Tebow to host the show as soon as the NFL season is over, according to

"SNL realizes it would be a huge ratings and they are hoping he will say yes," said the website.  "Tim just can't and won't be able to do it while the season is still in play."

It also depends on how Tebow feels about being skewered on national television about his devout stance on Christianity.

Other NFL quarterbacks—like Peyton Manning and Tom Brady have satirized themselves on the show in the past, but the material might be a little too racy for Tebow and his Christian image.

If Tebow accepts, it probably means last week's skit where actors portraying him and Jesus Christ in a locker room didn't offend him.

In the skit—which was all over the Internet— Jesus tells Tebow to tone down the praise and hit his playbook more than the bible.

The show was a big hit with viewers.

Conservative televangelist, Pat Robertson went ballistic about the sketch and called it, "anti-Christian bigotry that's just disgusting."

If Tebow does the show,  does it mean he is snubbing his finger at Robertson or just showing he has a sense of humor?

The most talked about player in the NFL has shown that he can take a joke after "Tebowing" was satirized everywhere.  He told reporters if people used the pose to pray and reflect, he had no problem with anyone doing it.

I don't think a little irreverent humor would bother Tebow and imagine how much Robertson's rants leading up to the show will boost the ratings.  Think of how many souls Tebow might convert then.

Mark Sanchez Gets Ready For Giants Game With Model Kate Upton

Things just keep getting better for Mark Sanchez—if you don't count last week's 45-19 drubbing by the Philadelphia Eagles.  As the New York Jets quarterback prepares for this Saturday's huge game against same-stadium rivals, the New York Giants, Sanchez has been spotted paying many late-night visits to Sports Illustrated swimsuit model Kate Upton's Manhattan apartment.

The New York Post reports that Sanchez has been spotted several times at the sexy Victoria's Secret model's pad since November— usually after games and before practices—sometimes as late as midnight.

Sanchez was spotted in Upton's lobby bringing gifts gifts up to her from a chauffeur-driven Navigator after a charity event last month.

Maybe Sanchez is pulling a Derek Jeter by gifting his dates— except he personally takes the presents up to his lady friends instead of just leaving a swag bag in the limo after they get the heave-ho.

Call Sanchez the anti-Jeter but, this is Kate Upton we're talking about.  I don't think an autographed football and a Jets wristband will float her boat.

A source told the Post, the quarterback has seen coming into her building with bags a minute or two after the beautiful Upton arrived.

"They almost never come in together.  He's always five steps after her," the source claimed, adding that the QB often pulls a woolly cap over his face as a disguise.

Just last week, it was reported that Sanchez was seen with two different women on the same night at a swanky Manhattan hotel.  First, there was an exotic Spanish-looking woman  at 3 a.m., followed by an unknown blond who sauntered into his room an hour later.

Could it have been Upton?

The model's sister, Christie Upton, is a Jets  manager of client relations and works closely with the team.  Kate has been spotted at some Gang Green's games.

Another source said that Upton and Sanchez are "just friends."

Now where have I heard that one before.  Oh yeah, that was with Jamie-Lynn Sigler and Hayden Panettiere.

Sounds like Sanchez has been burning the midnight oil with his black book more than his playbook.

Selasa, 20 Desember 2011

Tim Tebow "SNL" Skit Is "Anti-Christian Bigotry," Says Pat Robertson

You knew it was only a matter of time before the "Saturday Night Live" skit— where actors portraying Jesus Christ and Tim Tebow in a locker room would ruffle a few of the right's feathers. 

"700 Club" host and televangelist Pat Robertson isn't laughing at the four-minute skit mocking Tebow's devotion to Christianity and called it "anti-Christian bigotry that's just disgusting."

Is it Tebow or Tea Party?

In the skit, Jason Sudeikis appears as Jesus visiting the devout Christian, Tebow, played by Taram Killan, in a Denver Broncos locker room where he tells the quarterback that he should take his praise "down a notch" and get his play cranked up a little earlier in the game.

Sudeikis' Jesus also tells the Tebow character that he mostly answers prayers now wherever he gets them the most—mostly beauty pageants and football games.

"If this had been a Muslim country and they had done that, and had Muhammad doing that  stuff, you would have found  bombs being thrown off!" railed Robertson on the Christian Broadcasting Network.

Robertson is the same man who once called the Haitian earthquake "a blessing in disguise."

The segment was a big hit with viewers but it infuriated Robertson who praised Tebow for his devoutness to Christianity.

"Tebow is an example, and I think he  is a wonderful human being," the conservative, one time presidential-hopeful Robertson said.  "We need more religious faith in our society.  We're losing our moral compass in our nation and this man has been placed in a unique position and I applaud him."

In one exchange during Saturday's skit, Jesus tells Tebow, "I could throw better than you and I'm 2,010 years old."

He also tells him to read his playbook.

"The Holy Bible is my playbook," says the Tebow character.

"That's great," replies Jesus.  "But you need to read the regular playbook.  Seriously, okay? I'm doing all the work here."

Best Open-Field Run By A Golf Cart in History

Over the weekend, an unmanned golf cart rumbled down the middle of Cowboys Stadium after a Texas high school championship game taking down groups people celebrating on the field.

Pittsburgh may have had "The Bus" in its backfield but this was insane.  Jerry Jones might want to slap a uniform on it.

Seven people on the field were reportedly injured—none seriously—as the cart— filled with yard markers but no driver—broke away like some mad bull at a rodeo and indiscriminately rolled over anyone in its path.

One useless wrangler jumped into the runaway cart but rolled out before a second man finally was able to rassle down the four-wheeled varmint.

"I heard someone yell 'Look out!," said one of the run-over men.  "Then I was looking up at the rafters at Cowboy Field."

There was no truth to the rumors that Tiger Woods' ex-caddy Stevie Williams or his ex-wife Elin Nordegren had anything to do with the wild scene.


Minggu, 18 Desember 2011

ESPN Reporter Blows Ohio Coach's Gatorade Shower

After winning the the 2011 Famous Idaho Potato Bowl, Ohio head coach Frank Solich was being interviewed by an ESPN reporter while two of his players players sneaked up on him and prepared to give him a Gatorade victory shower when the interviewer backed away and alerted the coach— ruining the impromptu celebration.

Ohio came from behind to defeat Utah State, 24-23, in Boise and the players were celebrating the first bowl victory in their school's history.

The reporter's heads-up allowed her to finish her mid-field interview without getting drenched, but turned what should have been surprise moment into one of the worst Gatorade showers in memory as the two jubilant players then had to chase down their head coach and spray the contents of the cooler at Solich as he ran off when the interview was through because she told him to "duck and cover."

No one likes a tattletale.

Sabtu, 17 Desember 2011

Lavin Watches St. John's Outlast Fordham, 56-50, From Florida Gym

St. John's used only five players in the first half and added another for the second as the short-handed Red Storm defeated Fordham, 56-50,  at the Holiday Festival at Madison Square Garden Saturday afternoon.

Steve Lavin missed his fifth game in a row while he recovers from prostate cancer surgery.  The St. John's head coach was at a high school tournament in Florida where he is recruiting and texted to Associated Press after the win.

"Big W!  For a number of reasons!" Lavin texted.  "Our first Garden victory... payoff of the work put in in the past week...puts wind in the sails and bounce in the kid's steps... chance to go into Christmas on an uptick."

Speaking of wind, the St. John's (5-5) squad is lucky they didn't run out of it.  It was the team's first game since Nurideen Lindsay transferred.  Three academically-ineligible players leaves them with a six-man rotation.  Malik Stith sat out the first half for an academics violation, but played the second half and contributed a key steal.

Freshman forward Moe Harkless had 13 points and 16 rebounds.  It was his third straight double-double and it helped the Red Storm snap a three-game losing streak but not before the team huffed-and-puffed their way to victory.

"Once you get that second wind, I could keep playing for another 40 minutes, probably" joked Harkless.

Harkless was one of four Red Storm starters who did play the full 40 minutes.

Fordham (4-6) came back in the second half after St. John's appeared to take control by running off an 18-0 spurt that started in the first half and carried over to the second.  The flurry of points gave them a comfortable 42-26 lead with 16:53 to play.

The Rams almost took a page from last year's comeback from a 21-point deficit to beat the Johnnies 84-81.

Fordham got to within three points, 53-50, with 1:56 to play and had a chance to tie the game after the Storm's D'Angelo Harrison blew a jumper.  An 3-point air ball by the Rams' Bryan Smith  sealed their fate after St. John's made 3-of-4 free-throws in the final 26 seconds.

St. John's assistant coach Mike Dunlap— who is filling in for the recuperating Lavin— knows his young team is going to need all the stamina it can muster until the rigorous Big East schedule starts and the three ineligible players can return to the roster.

"They had the momentum and they were making shots," said Dunlap.  "In the first half we were fresher and able to transition and to get to their zone before they set it up, especially the last 2:30 of the first half."

Jumat, 16 Desember 2011

Lawyer Says Paterno Should Have Gone "Brooklyn-Italian" On Sandusky

During Mike McQueary's testimony Friday, at a preliminary hearing for two former Penn State officials accused of covering up sex abuse allegations, he said he went to Joe Paterno's home the day after the the alleged incident and said that what he had seen " was way over the lines, it was extremely sexual in nature."

Paterno, along with the defendants, Gary Shultz and Tim Curley have been criticized for never going to police about the 2002 charges.

The defense noted that McQueary admitted changing his description  of the shower encounter with a boy when speaking with Paterno— enough so that the coach didn't believe a crime had occurred but Shultz's attorney Tom Farrell took a shot at the head coach for not taking more action.

"Frankly folks, I'm an Italian from Brooklyn, and he may not have called the police but he might have done what I would have done," Farrell said at a press conference.  "Which is get the boys in the car with a few baseball bats and crowbars and take it to the fellow."

Ahh... reminiscing about the days of white suits, gold chains and Tony Manero.

None of the three men testified—Paterno is bedridden with a broken hip— but District Judge William C. Wenner read their grand jury testimony from January.

Paterno told the grand jury that McQueary said he saw Jerry Sandusky, a former Penn State assistant coach, doing something of a sexual nature with a youngster but that he didn't press for details.

Paterno told McQueary he would talk to others about what he'd reported.

Farrell may talk like some mook from Bensonhurst, but his name doesn't even sound Italian—it doesn't end in a vowel.

Kamis, 15 Desember 2011

Ex-Con Arrested For Beating Up Jets Fan Outside Stadium

A cowardly, drug-dealing ex-con was arrested for the parking lot beating of a New York Jets fan outside MetLife Stadium following Sunday's game against the Kansas City Chiefs.

Merle Lee, 35, was charged with 3rd degree aggravated assault for his attack on James Mohr after the Jets 37-10 victory.  New Jersey State Police insist that Lee acted alone.

The thug from New Jersey was busted for sucker-punching Mohr after a woman in Lee's group reportedly shouted," F--k New York!" and "You all deserved what happened on 9/11!"

The diehard Jets fan—who has family in the FDNY— told the woman her remarks were "disrespectful."

Mohr, 23, a life-long Jets fan— wearing some of his favorite team's gear— was then confronted by a man in a Kansas City Chiefs jersey and they had words.  Lee reportedly ran up from behind and sucker-punched Mohr with a wild swing, claimed witnesses.

Mohr's sister, Anna, said her brother never even saw the blow coming.

"He said the next thing he recalls is waking up in the hospital," she said.

Lee, is a convicted drug dealer and spent three years in a New Jersey prison.  The low life has a long rap sheet which includes convictions for drug-possession, theft and other offenses, according to records.

Mohr underwent surgery on Tuesday and is still recovering from a broken jaw, eye socket and cheekbone.

The Jets released  a statement which said: "There is no place for type of behavior.  All perpetrators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law."

Rex Ryan, the Jets head coach, heard about the incident and told reporters he was sure that after Mohr—a phys-ed teacher from the Bronx— has recovered from his injuries, the team would do something for for him.

Kim Clijsters Plays Matchmaker On Tennis Court

Belgian tennis star Kim Clijsters made an unusual offer to fans during an exhibition tennis match against country-woman, Yanina Wickmayer, the other day.  Clijsters, the former No. 1 female player in the world, went to a microphone and announced to the crowd that the first fan to run down on to the court and kiss her opponent would get a new car.

About half a dozen fans jumped over the stadium rails and turned the 22 year-old Wickmayer into a Belgian waffle sandwich before being forcibly removed from the court.

I don't know how you say Help! in Dutch but— for a moment— the six-foot Wickmayer looked shocked before she probably realized she could probably kick each of her puckered-up suitors' butts with her racket hand tied behind her back.

No word on if the man who planted the first one on the tennis star even got a car, but we do know all of the slobbering men were dragged away from the laughing Wickmayer by security guards to the cheers of the crowd.

Rabu, 14 Desember 2011

Anti-Obama Website Flew Banner Over Cowboys Stadium While Roof Was Closed

A right-wing website— campaigning to prove that the birth certificate President Obama released in April is a fake— spent thousands of dollars to fly a plane over Cowboys Stadium during the Giants-Cowboys game with a banner that read "Where's the Real Birth Certificate?"

Only problem to their brilliant plan was that the retractable roof of the stadium was closed during Sunday night's game and nobody saw it.

The geniuses at the website, WorldNetDaily, thought they could reach the nearly 96,000 NFL fans in the stands— by flying a small plane carrying their message over the big game in the Arlington, Texas stadium— only to see the idea become the second biggest failure— after the Cowboys collapse— of the night.

Only a few straggling tailgaters probably even noticed the expensive promo— not the wide audience the group had hoped for.

Later, on their website, they acted like everybody at the game still saw the banner.

The website posted: "NFL fans wonder where Obama's REAL birth certificate is?  Nationally televised football game features surprise for Obama."

The real surprise here is how these guys even figured out how to rent a plane and make a banner.

Jet Fan Beaten Outside MetLife Stadium After Being Mocked About 9/11

In what seems like an unlikely scenario, a die-hard New York Jets fan was severely beaten by a pack of drunken Kansas City Chiefs fans on the home turf parking lot of MetLife Stadium after the Jets routed the visiting team on Sunday.

The whole incident began—reported the New York Post— after one of the Chiefs fans screamed "F--k you New York" then "You all deserved what happened on 9/11!" claims the victim's family.

James Mohr, 23, was set upon by up to seven of the goons as he walked through Parking Lot J of the Jets home stadium after the 37-10 victory.

The incident is being compared to the brutal beating of a San Francisco Giants fan outside Dodger Stadium at an opening day game last March 31.

In that attack, Giants fan Brian Stowe suffered brain damage.

Mohr, a Bronx physical-education teacher was wearing  Jets gear in the parking lot when a woman hanging out with a pack of men started screaming the tauts at him.

Any reference to 9/11 might have a deeper meaning to New York and New Jersey residents and this one did.

According to Mohr's sister Anna, her brother was offended by the nasty remarks and called them "disrespectful."

"Our brother is a fireman, and my father is retired FDNY, so you can understand why a 9/11 comment would especially irk him," she said.  "He was shocked anyone would actually say something like that."

Mohr was jumped by the thugs as he was walking alone after leaving a group of his own friends.  One of the cowardly muggers was wearing a Chiefs football jersey a police source reported.

The lifelong Gang Green fan suffered a fractured jaw, cheekbone and eye socket and also has bleeding on the brain due to the attack.  Mohr underwent hours of surgery to repair his battered face.

"He's hanging in there and he's scheduled for surgery," said his sister.  "We won't know too much until that's done."

New Jersey state troopers arrested one of the alleged attackers—who is, surprisingly, from New Jersey—and charged him with simple assault, but a police spokesperson said the investigation will continue.

The similarity between Sunday's attack at MetLife Stadium and the preseason fights at San Francisco's Candlestick Park during a 49er's/Raiders game are glaring.  The NFL declared war on drunken fans after numerous people were pummeled inside and outside that stadium last summer.

Mohr's father Dan said attendants in the hospital ER where they took his son were not surprised by another beating.

"When we go to the hospital, the people in the ER said, 'Oh, not another one,' and told us this happens all the time," said the father.

A MetLife Stadium representative had this statement, "This is an unacceptable attack on one of our guests and we  have been working with the  New Jersey State Police to make sure the man arrested is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law."

The Jets fans have long had a reputation for rowdiness and brawling.  Anyone who has been to a few Jets games over the years can attest to the fact that beefed-up stadium security has curbed the hell-raising.

It's apparent that there is still more to be done.

Selasa, 13 Desember 2011

Jerry Sandusky's Lawyer Uses Gay Phone-Sex Line In Response To Charges

Accused child molester Jerry Sandusky's lawyer, Joe Amendola, quipped to reporters— after his client waived his right to a preliminary hearing— about a report which says a witness saw Sandusky rape a boy in a Penn State locker room then informed head football coach Joe Paterno and two university officials but failed to notify police.

If you believe that, said Amendola,  "I suggest you dial 1-800-REALITY."

Little did the often criticized lawyer know that he inadvertently gave a number for a real gay phone-sex line for "the hottest place for triple-X action."

Oh yes he did..

Amendola's public gaff occurred during a press conference outside  the Centre County Courthouse Tuesday where the lawyer tried to explain that the grand jury report which detailed the sex-abuse charges against the former Penn State defensive coordinator was flawed.

The report says the witness (Penn State wide receivers coach Mike McQueary) saw Sandusky—who faces more than 50 charges sex-abuse charges—rape the boy.

The lawyer's unfortunate choice of phone number is a gay-sex phone chat service.

"Get ready for bulging, bursting pleasure," the introduction for the phone service boasts.

Amendola seems intent on digging a big ditch for his client to climb out from and has been harshly criticized by other attorneys for his unorthodox counsel and advice.

The case has been a major blow to the school and brought shame to Paterno's program and Amendola's strategy is being scrutinized.

 The defense lawyer gave Sandusky permission to be interviewed by NBC's Bob Costas and The New York Times.  In those reports, Sandusky acknowledged showering with boys and other unsuitable activities.  He also admitted he liked being around young people.

"There will be no negotiations," claimed Amendola.  "This is a fight to the death."

Marci Hamilton, an attorney for a 29 year-old man who claims he was abused more than 100 times by Sandusky between 1992 and 1996, said she is baffled by Amendola's behavior.

"He's very unorthodox,' she said about Amendola allowing the interviews.  "I don't know if that's good or bad."

Jeter Ends Romantic Nights With A Signed Memorabilia Kiss-Off

New York Yankees Captain Derek Jeter has been bedding a slew of women since his public breakup with longtime girlfriend Minka Kelly and—after a one-night stand together— sends his new conquests home with gift baskets of autographed souvenirs, according to the New York Post.

 New York City's most eligible bachelor's romantic nights and cold sendoffs became public after Jeter gave one woman the same parting gift twice—after forgetting she had spent the night with him before at his Trump World Tower bachelor pad,  a Jeter friend told the Post.

My guess is she didn't want to be known as his 3,000th hit.

"Derek has girls stay with him at his apartment in New York, and then he gets them a car to take them home the next day.  Waiting in his car is a gift basket containing signed Jeter memorabilia, usually a signed baseball," the friend said.

"This summer, he ended up hooking up with a girl he had hooked up with before, but Jeter seemed to have forgotten about the first time and gave her the same identical parting gift, a gift basket with a signed Derek Jeter baseball," the friend said.

Call it swag for a shag.  Only this time he re-gifted.

"He basically gave her the same gift twice," the friend continued.  "Because he'd forgotten hooking up with her the first time!"

That must be a lot of women because I bet the future Hall-of-Famer can remember his batting average and number of hits against every single pitcher (1171 when Jeter got to 3K) he's faced.

The notoriously private shortstop usually guards his All-American image and marketability tooth-and-nail.  The breakup with actress Kelly must have rocked his stable world because the Post reports he has hooked up with a bevy of woman since the summer.

The 37 year-old Yankees' Captain shies away from public places and the bright lights of Manhattan and reportedly prefers to host private cocktail parties in his million dollar apartment with close friends. 

"He normally doesn't go out with girls.  He will have them come over to his house.  He'll have cocktail parties," another friend said.  "His friends invite girls they think he'll be interested in.  He's very shy."

So don't expect the Kardashians to be dragging their cameras and cabooses to Jeter's place anytime soon.

"He'll occasionally take girls to a restaurant.  He has a couple of restaurants that he goes to that aren't trendy," said the pal.

"I know he's been dating multiple girls.  He likes a hole in the wall, or he likes  a place that his friends own," the friend explained.  "He's very cautious.  He'll only go out on off nights."

After that, he sneaks the women into his apartment, said the Post.

"The girls go through the back door entrance to Trump World Tower to avoid the paparazzi," continued the friend.  "He broke up with Minka in the summer and is definitely over her.  He's playing the field."

A signed baseball might seem a little cold after a night of hot passion, but they can bring big bucks on the Internet.

Jeter's autographed baseballs can bring in hundreds or even thousands of dollars on the memorabilia market.

Neither Jeter nor the Yankees returned calls according to the Post.

A lot of people think Christian Lopez got screwed by the Yankees when he returned the home-run ball that Jeter got his milestone 3,000th hit with in July, but at least the generous fan got four season-tickets out of the deal.