Senin, 19 Maret 2012

Mike Tyson might take his Vegas one-man show to Broadway

Famous ear-biting ex-boxer Mike Tyson's one-man show hasn't even opened in Las Vegas and the former heavyweight champion is already looking to take it to The Great White Way, according to TMZ.

Tyson's Vegas show "Mike Tyson: Undisputed Truth— Live on Stage" opens in less than a month at MGM Grand's Hollywood Theatre in Las Vegas from April 13-18 and there is already a buzz about taking it on the road.  Tyson is waiting to see how ticket sales do before planning a tour.

If the show does well and a tour is planned, New York would be one of the first stops.

According to the report, Tyson has "always wanted to do a show on Broadway, and he feels this could be his chance."

Before Broadway snobs yell 'Mamma Mia,' remember former-boxer Tony Danza tap-danced his way into a part as Max Bialystock in the "The Producers" and is set to appear in a musical version of "Honeymoon in Vegas" next year.

Tyson's show is expected to feature the brutish ex-fighter telling stories about his troubled personal life and boxing career, accompanied by live music and video clips of him in the ring.

His dancing in the ring made him the world's most famous athlete for years and Tyson has already shown he can warble a tune in the two Hangover movies.

Tickets have been selling reasonably well,  but have not sold out.

While nobody will ever cast Tyson as the lead in "Priscilla Queen of the Desert" — well... you never know— his one-man show might be more aptly titled "War Horse."

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