Selasa, 24 Januari 2012

New York Giants Also Have An Oscar Nominee in the Family

This week keeps getting better for the Super Bowl-bound New York Giants and members of the team's first family— the Maras.

This morning, days after the team earned a spot in the NFL's biggest showcase, Rooney Mara— the 26-year old great-granddaughter of Giants founder Tim Mara— was nominated for acting's highest accolade— an Oscar.

The 26-year old actress is the daughter of Giants executive Chris Mara and Kathleen McNulty and her other great-grandfather is Art Rooney— hence her first name— the man who started the Pittsburgh Steelers.

The 84th Academy Awards winners will be announced three weeks after Super Bowl XLVI on Feb. 26 at the Kodak Theatre in Los Angeles.

Mara was a surprise choice for the best actress nominee for her leading role in "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo," the wildly popular trilogy of books being turned into Hollywood films.  It is her first nomination.

The "rookie" is a 40-1 long-shot in what looks like the Oscar's most competitive category this year.

Mara will be going up against a line-up of veteran actresses—Viola Davis for "The Help," Meryl Streep for "The Iron Lady," Michelle Williams for "My Week With Marilyn" and Glenn Close for "Albert Nobbs."

Bookies have Streep and Davis leading the pack.

The young Mara looks like a wild card compared to a few of those division winners.

After the Giants bang it out on the football field in Indianapolis, Mara will be letting it all hang out on the red carpet in Tinseltown.

Mara might want to take a cue from her family's team history.  While her chances of getting the little golden statue seem slim, so did the Giants chances of getting the big golden Lombardi Trophy against the New England Patriots in 2008.

As we have seen throughout this season's playoffs, don't ever count out the Mara family and their Giants as the underdogs.

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