Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011

Rex Ryan Is Now Playing Mush-Mouth Football

Rex Ryan is controversial even when he's trying not to be.  After Wednesday's conference call, where the Type-A— what 'A' stands for is up to you— head coach of the New York Jets gave a backhanded compliment to Norv Turner and lit a fire under the normally reticent San Diego Chargers head coach.  Now, the usually unapologetic Ryan has backtracked and phoned Turner to make up.

Ryan's antics, which are getting as tired as George Clooney's charm—yeah, I said it—and as frequent as a Lindsay Lohan court date, have run their course.  Have the dysfunctional Jets turned Ryan into Dr. Phil?

Only one day after Ryan boldly claimed that the Chargers would have won a Super Bowl if they had hired him instead of of Turner, the smash-mouth Ryan turned into mush-mouth Ryan.

"It's all on me," Ryan said.  "I'm guilty.  Absolutely.  It was unintentional."

What a turnaround from boasting on Wednesday that San Diego would have two Lombardi Trophies on their mantle if he had been hired as their head coach in 2007.

"Well, I think I would have had a couple of rings," Ryan said.  "I'm telling you, those teams were loaded.  There is no question about it.  But things happen for a reason."

Even though Ryan called to praise Turner, the usually-reserved Chargers coach still fired back.

"I was surprised by the call," said Turner.  "And then after I saw the quote, I didn't have a chance to ask him this, but I was wondering if he had those rings with the ones he guaranteed the last couple of years."

Ouch.  That's four Rex Ryan Super Bowl guarantees for two different teams and not one ring to show for it.

Ryan didn't go into details about their phone exchange, but gave the match-point to Turner.

"I think we're even because he did get me with a good shot, there's no question," Ryan said.

This all leads up to Sunday's game at MetLife Stadium and an NFL rivalry no one really knows about.

In Ryan's first year with the Jets, his team beat San Diego, 17-13, in the divisional round of the playoffs.  Then, there was the Jets infamous AFC divisional playoff win, 17-14,  in 2010 after the Chargers'  "money" kicker Nate Kaeding missed three field goals and was roundly taunted by the Jets Darrelle Revis as the game ended.

Ryan's histrionics—comparing his wife to Tom Brady's supermodel honey or donning a wig to impersonate his almost-equally unreserved twin brother—have become pretty routine at his press conferences.  Only this time, he might have crossed the battle line.  And Ryan knows his words will be hanging like dirty underwear over Sunday's game.

The Jets (3-3) will have their hands full with the loaded Chargers (4-1) and the home team's victories are over Dallas, Miami and Jacksonville—who have a combined record of 3-and-13.

"Obviously, I wish this one never happened," Ryan said.  "It was just clearly unintentional.  I don't know what other word to use.  I don't know what to even say... I hope it doesn't take from the game."

Stop the presses!  Rex Ryan doesn't know what to say!

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