Jumat, 23 Maret 2012

Tebow gets billboard outside Lincoln Tunnel

If commuters aren't tired enough of hearing about Tim Tebow on their talk radio stations while stuck in traffic, now they'll have to stare at his face as they inch down the Helix (ramp) to the Lincoln Tunnel from the New Jersey side.

Jockey has put up a billboard outside the underground entrance to New York City bearing the face of the New York Jets  newest quarterback with the words," WE SUPPORT TEBOW & NEW YORK." The firm's trademarked logo appears below the green and white letters.

Tebow and Jockey have a marketing campaign together.

The ad, according to a statement released by the company, "plants a stake in the ground that NYC is now officially Tebow-country."

The welcoming ad went up at noon today and will stay up for the next week.  Approximately half a million people will see the ad, the company speculates.

Tebow isn't even officially a Jets player due to a clause in his contract, but the snag is expected to be rectified on Saturday.

Maybe the sight of saintly Tebow watching over the maddening traffic jams will keep  drivers from cursing out buses or flipping off lane-cutters.

Stella McCartney unveils her "secret" UK Olympic outfits

The famed designer Stella McCartney unveiled her designs for Britain's Olympians with imaginative uses of the Union Jack's red, white and blue colors.

The uniforms, a closely guarded secret for months, were shown at the Tower of London in a king-sized event that brought the worlds of high fashion and international sports together as one.

At this gala event, the rail-thin super-models were the ones on the sidelines as McCartney— who is serving as Adidas' creative director for the Summer Games— used real athletes to show off the designs they will wear at the Olympics and Paralympics.

"The basic message is to unify the team," the designer told The Associated Press.  "The athletes all want to feel like one team.  The other big starting point for me was the Union flag, an iconic flag.  I think every Briton is proud of it, but I wanted to look at it in a different way."

Her theme— come together.  I think I've heard that song before, but where?

McCartney isn't the only famous designer with an Olympic line coming out— Ralph Lauren is working on some of the outfits for the U.S. team, and Giorgio Armani is behind the designs of the Italian team.

If they gave gold medals for designs, the Italians might sweep.

Trampoline accident could sideline Joba Chamberlain for season

New York Yankees reliever Joba Chamberlain suffered what's being called "a significant injury,"an open dislocation of his right ankle, while playing on a trampoline with his five-year-old son at a recreation park.

Chamberlain— who was coming back from Tommy John elbow surgery— suffered the injury at what general manager Brian Cashman explained was a "kid's center with athletic activities featuring trampolines," according to the YES Network.

Cashman was visibly upset as he addressed the media in the Yankees dugout at George M. Steinbrenner Field this morning, saying "Joba is in St. Joseph's Hospital right now."

"While he was enjoying time with his son under those those circumstances, he suffered a very significant injury, an open dislocation of the ankle.  He underwent a surgical procedure last night," said Cashman.  "He will be at St. Joseph's for a number of days.  I don't have a timetable for his return."

Asked if the injury was "career-threatening," Cashman replied, "I would like to think that it is not," but the GM sounded like it was serious.

"Let's keep him in our prayers," he said, "because obviously he's facing a lot right now."

Chamberlain often tweets about his son Karter and  posted a photo of the two of them together two days ago.  It was reported that his son was not hurt.

The one time set-up man who has already bounced from starter to middle reliever did not figure in the Yankees immediate bullpen plans, but this latest setback— which Cashman called "massive"— looks like it could keep him off the roster for the entire season.

Chamberlain is beginning his sixth season after making a dramatic debut in 2007.  The Yankees attempted to convert the flame-throwing righthander into a starter in 2008 and 2009 to mixed results.  The last two seasons were spent in the bullpen and in surgery rehab.

He is slated to make $1.675 million this season and will be a free agent after the 2013 season.

Jets fan first to be buried in Tim Tebow Jets jersey

A lifelong New York Jets fan made a deathbed prediction last week that his favorite team would get Tim Tebow and then, sadly, passed away.

In a cruel twist of fate, Russell Francis, spoke those words to his wife before news broke that Tebow was headed to New York in a trade with the Denver Broncos.  A swap that nobody saw coming, according to The New York Daily News.

His family will now send the Jets fan into eternity on Friday sporting a brand-new, green-and-white No. 15  New York Jets jersey as Tebow-mania hits its most unlikely venue yet: a funeral home.

The ink isn't even dry on the new Tebow jerseys and they're making their way into heaven already.

Widow Wendy Tatum told the Daily News she recalled one of her last conversations with her husband Francis, 44, as he battled lung cancer.

"He kept saying, 'They're going to get Tebow.  They're going to get Tebow,'" she said after shopping for the jersey for the shirt on Thursday.  "This was a whole week before the trade."

It sounds like Francis wasn't much of a Mark Sanchez fan.

Francis may be headed to that great stadium in the sky, but other visionary words he left behind might excite fans of Gang Green.

"He said they're going to the Super Bowl this year," his wife said.

Pat Robertson: Manning injury would be karma for trading Tebow

Televangelist Pat Robertson is not happy with the Denver Broncos trading Tim Tebow to the New York Jets.  So much so, that he is wishing Tebow's replacement Peyton Manning nothing but bad karma.

Robertson— a leader in the Christian Right movement— said Denver treated Tebow "shabbily" after all he did for the "nothing team" last season from his pulpit on the 700 Club on Thursday.

"And you ask yourself, OK, so Peyton Manning was a tremendous MVP quarterback, but he's been injured.  If that injury comes back, Denver will find itself without a quarterback.  And in my opinion, it would serve them right," he said.

Robertson has come to Tebow's defense before.  He blasted Saturday Night Live earlier this year for performing a skit that mocked Tebow's religious beliefs.

Remember, the television preacher also once called the earthquake in Haiti a "blessing in disguise."

Robertson went on singing the praises of Tebow and trashing Denver last night.

"He wins seven games, he brought them [Denver] into the playoffs, for heaven's sakes.  I mean, they were a nothing team .  He rallied them together with spectacular last minute passes and, you know, when they beat Buffalo, I mean Pittsburgh, excuse me it was a tremendous victory."

Sounds like he subliminally has something against the Bills too.

Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

Tebow-mania touches down in New Jersey; Next stop: New York

Tim Tebow finally arrived in the New York area as either the New York Jets latest experiment or new backup quarterback.  The unannounced flight touched down at Morristown Airport by — what else— private jet at approximately 3:20 this afternoon before he was whisked away.

Tebow exited the jet, shook some hands and was driven off the runway in a black luxury SUV as news choppers circled overhead.

Tebow-mania has already started and he's still 30 miles west of Met Life Stadium.

Last night, Tebow had a chance to address the media in New York via phone after the trade with the Denver Broncos was finalized.

"I'm very thankful for the opportunity to to play for such a great organization," he said.

Tebow, who has spent a lot of time in the spotlight in the past year, was asked if he had any trepidation about life in the big city.

"Not really.  I'm excited about it," he said. "I think it's a great market.  It's a great city.  I'm excited to be a Jet now."

 The Jets have made it clear that incumbent quarterback Mark Sanchez was, and will be,  the Jets starter in 2012.  The new guy in town didn't seem bothered.

Tebow said he already talked with Sanchez on the phone after the trade and everything was fine between the two quarterbacks.

"We spoke on the phone yesterday.  Got caught up a little bit," said Tebow.  "Had a great conversation and looking forward to seeing him soon and working with him and, you know, we've been blessed to know each other over the last few years.  "I definitely have a lot of respect for him."

The Jets have not released the day and time of Tebow's official introduction as a Jets player, but expect a media crush.

If news choppers stalking a country airport is any indication— I think Tebow-mania is going to be bigger than ever.

Lin can't wait for Tebow-mania

If anybody knows sports hysteria it's Jeremy Lin.  The man who kicked off Linsanity in a New York Knicks uniform is thrilled that Tim Tebow is coming to town.

"It's awesome.  I'm just excited for him and to see what he does," said the Knicks point guard.

"We'll see what happens next year, but I'm excited obviously that he's going to be in New York," said Lin after dumping 16 fourth quarter points on the Philadelphia 76ers in last night night's 82-79 win.

Lin's rise to worldwide celebrity didn't come with the baggage Tebow-mania lugs into New York.  The journeyman NBA player was an anonymous benchwarmer crashing on his brother's couch when his star rose.

Tebow just doesn't want to end up being a couch— Tim Couch that is.

The expectations and questions surrounding Tebow's role as New York Jet are a lot more complicated than Lin's magical turn and the New York media is ready to pounce.

Tebow had his shining moments last season but now comes in with a $2.5 million, two second-round draft picks price tag.

Tebow-mania in Denver is being Cinderella — Tebow-mania in New York is the clock striking twelve.

Lin dealt handily with the few weeks of Linsanity and had some tips for the incoming quarterback/tight end/fullback/fill-in-the-blank to help cope with the distractions in his new city.

"Everyone gave me some advice— they said, 'Make sure not to read the papers,'" Lin joked with reporters.  "But I don't want to offend you guys.  But that's what I've been told.  I don't really read anything.  I think it helps me."

Lin said he did not talk with Tebow— who's #15 Jets jersey will soon replace Lin's as NYC's best seller— yesterday during the wild trade-talk frenzy between the Denver Broncos and Jets, but said he'd like to catch a few Jets games this season.

Both athletes are deeply religious men, and Lin revealed that he has never Tebowed with his fellow Christian.  That could all change once Tebow gets into the Jets dysfunctional locker room.

"I've only talked to him like once," said Lin. "But he's a great guy from everything I hear, and the conversation I had with him was great as well."

After Tebow meets Gang Green and the hungry media, he might want to keep a Bible handy and his phone's speed dial set to Linsanity.